

What does it look like ?


What is it?

Graduation project over 1 month group of 4 students. The purpose of the website is to help the user prepare for his future trip to the U.S.A. We implemented an interactive map with the possibility to search by points of interest and a blog. The user can sign up and sign in to their private acount in order to manage and save their favorite places and roadtrips.

To read the article, click here

What was your role?

Since I initiated the concept/idea, my role was: Product Owner. We were a team of 3 WordPress developers and 1 React developer. I really enjoyed working as a team, as well as in pair-programming. What I appreciated the most in this project, is the human side. This is also the part that has sometimes been the most challenging but also the most rewarding. And I keep an excellent memory of it.

What inspired you?

I have always been very passionate about the United States and my love for traveling led me to this idea. I wanted to do something ultimately quite personal, centered on the Great American West and its marvelous landscapes. This is how O’Roadtrip was born.